In a small village named Snowdenville, where two roads intersect under an old maple tree, there are several older homes situated on each of the corners. All of the homes are different with their own personality and charm. One common bond that they do share is that they all display the same style board and …
Smooth Curve Shutter Dogs
For years we have offered a variety of standard S-curve shape shutter dogs, a.k.a. shutter tiebacks, in several materials including an imported cast iron variety. This very popular cast iron version has a scalloped edge. Now, we have a cast iron scroll with a smooth edge. Simple but very elegant. Just $18.00 a pair! Item: …
Choosing the Correct Exterior Shutter Hardware – Hinges Part 1
If you want your exterior shutters to be able to open and close properly over your windows, you need to make sure that you choose the correct exterior shutter hardware. This can be a bit confusing as every window and window frame is different. Even if you have the same style of trim on all …
Soup & Nuts, Building a Shutter & Door Business
Soup & Nuts, Building a Shutter & Door Business. Kestrel was started entirely from scratch back in 1988 by my partner and me. We began developing some different wood products namely radius arbors, pergolas, for entrance ways and folding screens. We officially opened for business on May 4, 1989 under the name of Kestrel Manufacturing. …
Defining the Mortise and Tenon, Old and New
Defining the Mortise and Tenon, Old and New The mortise and tenon joint is one of the oldest methods of joining two pieces of material together and certainly is still very much a mainstay in fine cabinetry work today. There are many references to mortise and tenon joinery throughout the ages. Historical monuments such as …
What’s wrong with how these shutters were installed?
In my last post, “Finding a Wood Shutter”, I included this picture as shown. While it is a beautiful picture of Kestrel European Board and Batten Shutters with a breadboard top, I noted that there is something wrong with the hardware installation. It will be easier to see if you imagine the shutters closing over …